Sangha at Sesshin in Connecticut
Becoming a Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Empty Hand Zen Center! Anyone can become a Member of the Zen Center by offering regular financial support. Membership is not required but is, instead, an expression of generosity. It is up to the individual, and reflects their resonance with this practice and the teachings offered. Note that you are asked to renew this pledge annually.
1. Fill out a membership pledge form for the current calendar year, providing your contact information, the amount you wish to pledge and the frequency of payment. We ask that you complete this annually as confirmation of your support.
As a guide for those who regularly participate in the Zen Center’s activities and would like to become members, we suggest a $100 level of monthly support. That said, any level of regular financial support qualifies one for membership. Should circumstances change during the year, your pledged amount can always be revised.
2. Membership is initiated with the first installment of the pledged amount, and is maintained by continuing the pledged contributions paid in advance for the period (for example, pay by the end of March for the 2nd quarter of the year).
· If you place your check in the donation box, please always write “membership” on the memo line of your check.
· If you pay by cash, please place it in an envelope with your name and the word “membership” on it. Membership dues and donations are tax-deductible.
· If you need assistance in arranging recurring payments through your bank or third party services, please let us know. We'd be happy to help.
Thank you for making this commitment to the well-being of sangha. It enables the Dharma to continue to benefit you, your Dharma friends, and all beings.
Thank you for this gift!
Annual Membership Pledge Card
The Button below takes you to Paypal, where you can pay your membership pledge.