Annual EHZC Membership Pledge and Our Commitment to Following the Buddha Way
February 27, 2025
Dear EHZC Members and Friends,
We extend a heartfelt thank you to all who have so kindly supported EHZC over this past year. The Empty Hand Zen Center exists today because of your generosity and the generosity and energy of many people, teachers, and sangha members both past and present.
We hope that if you are not yet a pledged member of our sangha, you will consider becoming one now during our Annual Membership Pledge Drive.
Becoming a member is a commitment to add our presence and energy to the sangha community, to deepen our spiritual practice, and strengthen our commitment to following the Buddha Way.
Your ongoing financial support is vital in sustaining our sangha community. A regular monthly pledge of support at any financial level that one can afford qualifies one for full membership. However, if your finances allow, we suggest a sustaining monthly pledge of $100/month or more.
If you wish to become a New member, please go to our website,, click on "Becoming a Member," in the main navigation menu at the top of the home page, and submit your membership pledge form. The Donate button at the bottom of the page will take you to Paypal where you can submit your membership pledge by credit card or Paypal funds (please type "membership" in memo line) . Alternatively, you can detach the pledge form below and mail it along with a check (please write "membership" on memo line) to:
Empty Hand Zen Center
Current members, please confirm your pledge for this year via the online pledge form which can be found in the main navigation menu at the top of the home page, or via the attached pledge form. To enable us to plan and manage our annual resources, it is important that you complete a new pledge form every year. And thank you so much for your generous and ongoing support!
Membership dues are fully tax deductible.
All are warmly welcome to become an integral part of our sangha community as we nurture our practice together for the benefit of all beings.
With Sincere Gratitude, The EHZC Board of Directors
JiZan Deborah, Priest
Meisho Paula, President
Kigyo Jeff, Chairman
MyoShi Alexandra, Treasurer
GuDo Oscar, Secretary
JouDo, Sharon
Frank Tassone
Annual Membership Pledge Card (Print & Mail to EHZC - or - use online instructions above)
( PLEASE CIRCLE ONE - New Member Current Member )
Name *
First Name _________________________________________
Last Name__________________________________________
Mailing Address:
Street Number & Name:
State: ______________________
Zip-Code: ___________________
Email Address *____________________________________________________________________
Phone # 's with area code:
Annual Pledge Amount *_________________
I am Paying
Annually ____________
Quarterly ____________
Monthly _____________