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Interview for EHZC Guiding Teacher

October 31, at 7:30 pm, we will interview our second candidate for part time teacher, Kaku Robert Gunn.

This interview will be open to the Empty Hand community.  

We would like to ask that if you are coming, please arrive on time. Since we don't want to keep our guest too late in the evening, it would be extremely helpful , whether you can come or not, to submit, in advance, any questions which you think of before the meeting, to one of the board members.  After the board member's questions, there will be time for those present to speak, but it might save some time if we had as many questions as possible in advance.

Thank you for your participation as we move forward into the future.

In gasho,

The Empty Hand Zen Center Board of Directors

Jeffrey Silver - Chairman -

Deb Wood -

Elena Falcone - Treasurer -

Chris Dee - Secretary -

Frank Raddock -

Paula Borsody -