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Regular Sunday Morning Schedule: Doors Open at 8:30 AM

Dear Empty Hand Zen Center Community,

This coming Sunday, March 17, at 1:00 PM is our EHZC Annual Meeting. Because the continued vitality of our sangha is of utmost importance, we deeply hope that everyone will attend. Your input, energy, wisdom, and presence are vitally important to the ongoing strength of our sangha and our practice together. Each one of us is important, each one of us makes a difference!

At this meeting we will discuss

* The possibility of teacher support and relationship with Village Zendo after Kaku leaves; other teacher related possibilities
* A report on the Center's finances
* Election of several new board members
* Our EHZC Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday morning schedule which will remain as it is unless we see the need to adjust it
* A new sangha "study group" to begin in April or May
* Receive questions, thoughts, ideas from sangha 

ALL are welcome, invited, and encouraged to participate in this important meeting; however, only sangha members who are up-to-date in their paid membership commitment can vote.